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About Awbrey Butte

New home construction
Building in Awbrey Butte


Designs for new homes must be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC), prior to beginning construction. While there is no one style of homes required. each new home must be designed with high architectural standards and be compatible with the surrounding homes. The Awbrey Butte Owner's manual contains detailed information about the architectural standards, as well as the review and approval process.



Awbrey Butte home with Cascade Range in the background
Living in a Planned Community


The developer of Awbrey Butte organized the subdivision under the Oregon Planned Community Act. 
Planned communities are governed by legal documents, including CC&Rs and Bylaws, which are recorded with the deed to the property.  These documents establish certain rights and responsibilities for homeowners, in order to enhance the livability of the community and protect owners’ property values.
Additional documents, including Rules & Regulations and Design & Construction Guidelines, are approved by a Board of Directors, elected by the homeowners.  These documents provide more detail in order to implement the general principles established in the CC&Rs and Bylaws.
The members of the Board of Directors are homeowners who volunteer their time and are elected by their fellow owners.  The Managing Agent is a private firm contracted by the Board to collect assessments, pay bills, oversee vendors who maintain the common areas, and perform other duties.
Upon purchasing property in a planned community, owners become legally bound to share the costs of maintaining the common assets and to abide by the rules and design guidelines.  While most owners desire the benefits of a planned community, the restrictions are not for everyone.  It is important to review the governing documents before buying property in a planned community like Awbrey Butte, in order to be sure that the arrangement is compatible with your preferences and lifestyle.

Help keep Awbrey Butte a Firewise Community


What does it mean to live in a Firewise Community? Awbrey Butte Owners Association received its Firewise Designation in 2019. The Board of Directors and Firewise Committee work hard to ensure owners are educated on the risks of wildfire and the steps needed to increase defensible space and harden your home to be safer in the event of a wildfire and to avoid spreading fire, in the event a fire originates from your home. 

The Association has a group of volunteers who are trained by the Dept. of Forestry, the Fire Marshall and Tamarack Wildfire to perform assessments of your home, landscape or vacant lot and to provide recommendations to bring your property in line with Firewise Standards. These assessments are limited to the homes/lots within Awbrey Butte Owners Association. To request an Assessment, please use the following link:


© 2023 Awbrey Butte Owners Association, Inc.

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